Glad You Made It! with Jay Whittaker
Welcome to Glad You Made It! The podcast hosted by comedian Jay Whittaker and whoever decides to show up. Jay sits down with fellow comedians, doctors, educators, performers, veterans and people from all different walks of life to learn and laugh.Support the Patreon and join the GLADGANG! https://www.patreon.com/GladYouMadeIt
Glad You Made It! with Jay Whittaker
Ep.20 “A Year & Some Change” (SOLO)
Hey everyone! I'm back! Glad I made it back! It's been a year and some change. For now, catch up some previous episodes. For our new listeners, Give us a listen!
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The following program is for mature audiences only. The views expressed by the people and other guests on the podcast are their opinions and their own and don't reflect the institutions or establishments that they work for. So please do not get our asses fired or canceled. Thank you very much. Enjoy the show.
Speaker 2:Hey, what's going on everybody? It's Jay Whitaker. Welcome back to Glad you Made it podcast. I've missed you Decided to do an episode.
Speaker 2:Episode title is it's Been a Year and Some Change. You'll find out why. Make sure you give our podcast a nice subscription, nice little rating. You know rating? I want to hear what you have to say. Email us at gladyoumadeitpodcast at gmailcom or email me personally at itsjwhittaker at gmailcom.
Speaker 2:If you have questions for the podcast, hit us up. But show us some love. Make sure you go on. We're back. Things are happening, more good things coming.
Speaker 2:Thank you so much for the people that have supported through the downtime, the hard times, the good times, the bad times. I'm excited to get in. This episode's just me. It's just me Bringing y'all up to speed On my life. I hope that y'all enjoy it.
Speaker 2:If you got questions For the podcast, like I said, email me. Let us know what you think. I'm gonna have some great guests for you. I'm excited about this new season. Y'all are about to see A different side of me. If you know me personally, if you know me personally, if you know me professionally, it's going to get weird and that's okay. But either way, I'm so glad to be podcasting again. I'm so glad to talk to y'all again. I'm so glad to share some stories with y'all and I'm just glad. I'm glad I made it, and so I hope y'all and I'm sure I'm just glad I'm glad I made it, and so I hope y'all enjoy this episode. Please send me your feedback, let me know what you think. I hope all is well with you and your families. Much love, much, much love.
Speaker 2:Enjoy the episode, let's get into it, baby. Oh, yeah, also real quick. I just realized. I just listened to the previous episode before this episode. Damn, a lot of a lot of shit has changed Y'all. If y'all want to go back into the episode right before, this is, which is literally about a year and some change ago. Yeah, it's, it's a different vibe. Like I said, enjoy the episode, let's get into it.
Speaker 2:I guess let's start from the beginning. Hey, hey, what's up? Everybody, glad I made it. Holy shit, it's been a while. Yeah, guys, it's me, I made it. Holy shit, it's been a while. Yeah, guys, it's. Uh, it's me, I'm Jay.
Speaker 2:For those who are familiar with this program, this is the glad you made it podcast. Uh, we talk about, uh, wellness, taking care of yourself, um, comebacks, setbacks, pivoting it all through humor. You know, all with a little bit of humor, a little bit of current events, maybe not so much. It's an election year. I'd prefer to just just let us just cruise this one out. But, uh, yeah, I'm back. Uh, I don't know how to. I don't know how to start this again. It's been over a year. It's been a year and some change it's been over. Yeah, I, as I say this to y'all, I just celebrated my birthday. As I record this, it is September 4th.
Speaker 2:It's been a while I haven't recorded, since July of 2023. There's a reason for that. I had some life transitions that happened and that I was not prepared for and I needed to take time for me. I hope that y'all can understand and respect that for those who have been listening and you know there's it's crazy. I would still get like emails and and my see my Spotify stats and all that stuff, and people were still listening, still listening to old episodes, some of them repeat listeners. I'm like, damn, what happened? Did you like? Did you not get all the information you needed? And if that's, if that's how you get down, I implore you to take some notes, if you'd like to take some notes, whatever. But, um, just know that I appreciate everybody that has listened and all the new listeners. I have found some new listeners, new fans, new opportunities. I am so grateful. Welcome to the show. Glad you made it podcast. I'm glad you're here. I'm glad you made it Shit. I'm glad I made it. It's been a it's been a rough year, some change, and I'll get right. I'll just address it right up and be up front.
Speaker 2:Going through an unexpected divorce, unexpected retirement from the military, left the state of Massachusetts and had moved on and just moved on with life and started taking care of myself, taking care of my family, my brothers, you know my sisters and you know my family and I really had to look inward for a little bit, which is tough. Sit back when you go through so much transition, you know, and especially in abrupt transition you have. You have like little time to figure out that wiggle room. You're like, oh shit, am I? Okay? And that's okay. And you have to give yourself grace and sometimes just be in sweatpants for like five days in a row watching old reruns of justice league unlimited Don't judge me, okay, like that childhood nostalgia. Sometimes you just got to roll yourself up in an emotional burrito and hug yourself. Okay, hug yourself, take care of yourself, cause at the end of the day, all you have is yourself. That's, you know, I've learned.
Speaker 2:Probably the biggest thing is through this whole transition process is that all you have is yourself. And I mean and if you're lucky, you have good family and friends beside you and I'm very fortunate to have that. Looking back on my on this year, you know, literally a year ago I was, you know, packing, pretty much packing on my birthday and had arguably the worst birthday I've ever had of all time, and you know. But you got to find the silver lining in everything and you have to realize, you know you can be a victim or you can be a victor, like flat out. You can be a victim or you can be a victor, like flat out. You know if you're going through something you know you're going to it's going to suck, that's the whole point. But you got to remember it's not happening to just you. Everybody's got their own shit that they're dealing with and it's up to you, at the end of the day, to pick yourself up and keep living your best life. Don't live for anybody else. That will you'll. You'll make mistakes if you live for other people. You know I, I know this. I have a lot of survivor's guilt from friends that are no longer here. I try to live for them. I got to start living for myself. I had to do some real work for myself and I'll be. You know, I'll skip y'all, I'll, I'll, I'll skip through the details and because no disrespect, that's just private there's some things I don't want to get into and but I'm really grateful that I had great people around me Once I figured out who your people are, because, unfortunately, you got to figure out who your people are.
Speaker 2:When you, when life hits you the way that it that it hits you, you feel, you kind of feel displaced. Actually, for 100%, you totally feel displaced. And, um, now you have to assess who's who's friendly, who's not, who's in between, who's whatever, and it's a. It's a torturous and arduous process, but it is so rewarding. You know, you may not ever get over it, but you'll definitely get through it.
Speaker 2:And so, to anybody that may be listening and maybe going through something or already went through something, tell me about it. I would love to hear you know. Uh, we, I think it's human nature not to say misery loves, misery loves company. But we damn sure like to hear about some other people that are going through some shit, so you don't feel like you're the only one. I think that's why misery loves company just because, damn, you just want to be like all right, some people have it worse, maybe, or I have it better, or or maybe I have it the worst, but at least I know that there's some people that get me, you know, and, um, to those people that are listening, I appreciate you for just getting me. I really really do. I really really do, cause having people that get you when you are lost and they're trying to just be a beacon of hope, so to speak, it's, it's such a powerful feeling, you know, and I had to go.
Speaker 2:You know, I've been therapy, I've been therapizing, y'all been therapizing, therapizing. Got got two therapists, one black, one white. Don't ask, it's not your business, it's a social experiment. Who knows that this might be a book later. But I need, I don't know. It's just, it's nice, it's been nice to have access to therapy and if you're you know, if you're in a situation where you can't get help, don't be afraid to ask for help. I'll just say that.
Speaker 2:But I've had to face a lot of my, my demons, work on some inner child stuff. And that's the crazy part. When you look back on the inner child shit and you're like, damn, oh, I've been carrying this for how long? Oh, over three decades. Oh, damn, this is, uh, this was the problem, this is like the crux, this is, this is, uh, this is what's been there, that that little dark passenger, that whole time, for, for, for that long, going all the way back to the eighties.
Speaker 2:Damn, it was there back back then, for real. Back then, back when OJ was just OJ. It's a different time, oh, you mean, it was still there in the 90s too, back when Macaulay Culkin was Culkinin, when he was home alone in it. Yo, by the way, when you watch all these old school movies, do you realize how good we had it to not see like a cell phone in sight. Watching Home Alone is such a great movie. I love Home Alone, although, yeah, you know child, child protective services needs to come in and intervene at some point. Like what, what, the hell, what?
Speaker 2:the hell what the hell I digress. I think the biggest thing that I'm I want people to understand about child and my hiatus, it was nothing personal, just I really just the fear of getting on the microphone and just being like okay, how much do I want to share, how much? How much am I going to go into this? Am I going to break down during all of this? Is? Is this going to be a shit show? No, it's just. Or you don't, you don't feel like you have have anything to say, or you're not really excited to talk about nothing. You just you just kind of numb. And the reason why I'm is I'm proud to, even though this, you know, even though I'm just kind of spouting off some feelings and emotions. And don't get, don't worry, folks, we'll have some guests on. I got some. I got a great slew of guests lined up. Worry, folks, we'll have some guests on. I got some. I got a great slew of guests lined up and, um, I hope that do me a favor. Just, you know, smash the like button, subscribe all that stuff. Dude, we got to get back out. You know, got to get back on track, got to get my website back up my link tree. I got merch coming. There's a lot of cool things coming and I'm not just saying it just to say like, oh, mixtape coming soon. No, like there's, we are actually and I say we because I have a great team behind me Um, I have a lot more time on my hands now and I'm I'm grateful, so things are coming soon. So, just if you want to go to my link tree linktreecom slash, it's Jay Whitaker Just support me there. I would greatly appreciate it. And I've got more content. You know, got a lot of shows coming up.
Speaker 2:As I say this, now I'll be doing some shows with Dulce Sloan. If you haven't heard of her, you're wrong. She's just a wonderful comedian that has invited, uh, invited me, to be a part of, uh, her nationwide tour and work a couple of the shows. So it'll be cool, it'd be, it's, it's an honor and, uh, I gotta give a big shout out to her just for making a brother laugh, Like for real, for real. She, uh, you know, just just good people, so just just good people. If you go, uh, make sure you support, or go to do, say sloancom and um, you know just, and check her out there. I know I'm going to be with her for Maine, new York. Uh, go see her in DC. I won't be there for that one, but go see her in DC. I'm going to be there for Seattle, new Orleans and, uh, sunnyvale, california, at Rooster Teeth Feathers.
Speaker 2:So there's a lot of big things moving and, um, I'm just grateful for the opportunity you know to show, uh, to show I can do something in this industry. It's a great feeling and, and you know, I got to speak on some comedian stuff right now because I'm so grateful for my comedy brothers and sisters. I see them back in Boston, you know, and my people back in LA and Utah and Vegas. I met a lot of great comedians and I, um, it was hard to like, I took maybe like six months off, wasn't really doing shows and definitely wasn't podcast and I was just kind of like a ghost. And if it wasn't for some of my comedy brothers and sisters, I wouldn't be talking to y'all right now. So you know, they know who they are, you know, and they probably not listening because they got their own podcast and shit, but you know, shout out to them, they know who they are and I'm, I'm super grateful for that comedian family, you know, cause at some point, they're going to start roasting your ass. They're like, do you still? You still in sweatpants, dog, it's Wednesday, it's 10 AM. Like, do something, you know and um, but I, I got a chance to watch some of my peers really shine. I got, I went out to back in May.
Speaker 2:I had a chance to go to the Netflix is a joke festival and support. Some of my friends you may know already know my dude, jay Washington. That's my guy. I'm gonna try to get him get him on, get him on um on the show. He, I'm so proud of him. I had a chance to watch him tape his live set and it's actually out on YouTube right now. Uh, big black and nerdy, so make sure you go check that out. Uh, at Jay Washington comedy, that's my dog right there. He killed it that night. I was so proud to see him do it, because Netflix is a joke festival. They gave him his own show and he, he rocked it and he rocked it. It was so proud to see him do it because Netflix is a joke festival. They gave him his own show and he rocked it and he rocked it. It was so dope to see him Like, even though I knew I was like damn, I wish I was up there. I wish you know, I hope I can do, I hope I can get back on stage. But it was so good to see him do his thing.
Speaker 2:You know, I had a chance to watch my boy, rafi Gonzalez. We both got nominated as Boston comedian of the year. You know, in the craziest shit, I'll tell you flat out, I got nominated for that shit and I wasn't even living in the in in the state at that time. You know like I was. I got the notification and I'm like damn, um, I I just moved and what an honor that was. You know, I went to the, I went to the whole, uh, the ceremony. For that I lost. But I lost to one of my best brothers in comedy, rafi Gonzalez. Go check out Rafi Gonzalez. He is amazing. He's been on HBO um and just a great comedian. He's on tour with Jack Jr, who Jack Jr Is another dude that I y'all should be following. He's half Armenian, half Mexican and he's just hilarious. He rocked his sold out show at the Netflix is a joke festival.
Speaker 2:I got a chance to see my friends in comedy really shine and it was so cool, it was such a powerful experience. So you know, I salute to my comedy brothers and sisters right now Um, y'all got. Y'all are a big reason why I got to keep doing this, because you know, there's comedy. Comedians were like a little we're a little bastardized family and you're just so grateful to be a part of them. And, um, I hung in there, had some opportunities to come up, working, uh, going on tour, and then cruise ships happen.
Speaker 2:Cruise ships, that was a a, a two year long process because they had, uh, they had reached out to me. Um, they had reached out to me like a uh, a couple of years ago and I was still in the service. So I was like I can't really do that, I would have to take a ton of leave and I just don't have that, you know. But I retire maybe in the next five years, you know like, and they were like all right, cool, hit us up when you retire. So I'm like, cool, I'll hit them up in five, six years.
Speaker 2:Well, things changed. And uh, things changed. And you know I reached out like, hey, so early, early retirement, so y'all hiring what's up. And you know, sure enough, I had the opportunity to go on some, some cruise gigs and you know there's such a stigma about comedy comedy on cruise ships, where comedians go to die, no, they go to flourish. Now that stigma has been changed. There's a lot of great comedians out there.
Speaker 2:Um, so, if you're young or you know, or if you're older or, excuse me, uh, um of of call my son likes to call older people a veteran of, a veteran of age which, yeah, by the way, my son's 17 now calling people veteran of age, what the boy anyways? So I get the cruise ship gigs and I realized this is a, this is, this is the big leagues, this is a great opportunity. You know, I've definitely never had a chance to do this before, so you got to lean into it. So, to anybody out there who has any questions about performing on ships, maybe you might be a dancer, you might be a magician, acrobat, you know, like I have and I'm, I hope to get some of these guests. I hope to get some of these guests, these good people that I met on as guests, rather, and so just know that anything can change in your life at the drop of a hat.
Speaker 2:You just got to be ready for that shit. You got to be ready, and whatever your project is that you're working on, like, if you've got a passion project, keep working on it, don't give up on it, because you never know when you might get an opportunity. And then they're like, all right, what else you got, what else you've been working on? And then you're like, well, it just so happens that I have a 400 page book of animation that I've been working on for the last, you know, I don't know five years. You know. Or here's three scripts that I've been working on, or here's three uh 30 comedy sketches that I've written, you know. So always be working on something. You know what I mean. Like what's my?
Speaker 2:One of my favorite rappers from the from the West coast rappers from the nineties sugar-free. And he has a classic saying if you stay ready, you ain't got to get ready. Okay, I'm gonna say it again If you stay ready, you ain't got to get ready. Notice, I'm going to say it again If you stay ready, you ain't got to get ready. Notice, notice the tone and resonance and timbre in my voice. I'm bringing it down for y'all so I can talk intimately to you. You feel me, you hear me. Now I can let me in. About to get in that ass like a bicycle seat. Come on, baby, but listen, it's a pleasure to just be moving to, it's a pleasure to just move forward in life.
Speaker 2:You can look back on the past. The past is the past, hindsight is 2020. You can either. You can either laugh from it, learn from it or love from it. You know that's just me. Laugh, live, learn what I sound like a hood TJ Maxx now, but I say this with all love in my heart to anybody.
Speaker 2:I know I've already said it, but to anybody that's going through it stay strong, stay on top of your you know, stay on, stay focused. You're not lost. You're just temporarily displaced and you're going to find your way because you will, you will, you always do and whatever it is that, if it keeps you up at night, that's the shit you need to be doing. I'm going to say it again If it keeps you up at night, that's what you should be doing, okay. Say it again If it keeps you up at night, that's what you should be doing, okay. Now, if it's some, if it's some like you know, crazy shit, maybe not. You know, like I'm, I'm, I'm up for the weird shit and the unique, creative shit, but if it's a little bit too weird and has a big budget. Okay, maybe, maybe I don't know, but you get what I'm trying to say Within reason. If it keeps you up at night, that's the shit that you need to be doing, you know. So, if you're having some weird kinky ass dreams, that's on you, you know, maybe just give it a shot, maybe reach out to like a nice subreddit and explore, maybe ask some questions, maybe create like a fake account just so you can like get the discourse you know in the chat moving.
Speaker 2:I you know not that, I, I'm not speaking from experience Um, sparkle two, five, seven. You know I'm I'm teasing, but, um, lean into it, lean into whoever you are. It's going to save you. And if you lean into whoever you are, once you accept your role and your purpose in this, in this, in this thing that we call life, you will, you will fall into a rhythm.
Speaker 2:A lot of us. I feel like we're salmon swimming upstream and a bear is trying to get us and we're fighting against that thing that we're supposed to, that we're, that, we're, we've been put on this earth to do. We've been, we've just been fighting against it. We're like Nope, that's not me, that's not me, I'm not supposed to be doing that. That's what. That's what other people do. I'm supposed to work in this cubicle and die.
Speaker 2:And you know, wear Perry Ellis shirts to work. There's nothing wrong with Perry Ellis, it's a fine mid-tier brand. I wish them the best of luck. You can get them at TJ Maxx. Great, great sales. There will be no TJ Maxx slander on this podcast For the record. Tj Maxx, if you listen, yeah, I'm a Maxxinista. I get, I gets busy. Okay, I'm there. You know you guys got my favorite set of reading glasses. They're always on sale $9.99 for a nice little three pack. They come in handy. Need some good readers? Good, that's just me. You always got good soaps, got good candles, you know just a little nice little knickknacks for seasonal stuff.
Speaker 2:The point is all right. Look, I'm getting off track here, but I just want people to lean into who they are. Please lean into who you are. It will save you, it will preserve you, and don't be afraid to pivot. Do not be afraid to pivot, and if you need to talk to somebody who has had to learn to pivot multiple times, this is like what? My sixth pivot, sixth maybe. You know I've hit rock bottom a few times. I think my next one. I get a free smoothie. You know, carry like my nice little rewards card, my rock bottom rewards card, and but you got to learn to laugh at it. If you're laughing, you're living. I say that all the time on stage. So keep going, keep going to anybody that's out there. Also, you know, I try to keep my my podcast evergreen, but we can talk a little bit of current events for a little bit. Well, this actually passed.
Speaker 2:But the Olympics, man, I love the Olympics because the Olympics is truth. Politics is theater, but the Olympics is truth. You feel me. You know we sit there and watch politicians. Do Don't worry, this is not going to become a weird political podcast, but we sit there and watch politicians just do whatever they need to say and say whatever they need to do to get elected. You know, and and I'm just like no man, this is all theater and people questioning people's accent and and turning black and people questioning felonies and all this other stuff, and look just, it's all theater. I mean, vote for who you want to vote for. I respect it. I've served the country, so you, so you have the. You know, I'm proud to say I've helped serve those freedoms that we uphold and protect. Um, I'm proud to say I was a part of that, and so I still love my country, even though I always will wonder does it love me, but man for the Olympics?
Speaker 1:bro, the Olympics, the Olympics, the.
Speaker 2:Olympics, oh my Lord, all day, all day, I'm watching it. I was watching, you know, I'm a former sprinter, so I had to turn up for the sprints, had to turn up for the sprints, you know. Good to see America, just you know win on the sprints. It was cool to see St Lucia get their gold medal. That was so dope. You know, st Lucia, that country only has, you know, it's the size of like it only has like a million, some odd people or something like that Maybe 2.1. I can Google this, but you know this. This is not a fact. This is not a podcast that we're not spouting off stats. We'll, we'll get there once I get a co-host or something. But yeah, just know that it was so cool to see. We need more videos of like countries celebrating gold, especially, like you know, with no, with all due respect, like the underdog countries where, like maybe you may not be familiar with this country like, oh shit, luxembourg got a, got a, a gold medal skeet shooter. Oh, oh shit, georgia got, not Georgia the state, but Georgia the country. They got yo, they, they have a dope high jumper. I want to see that. I want to see more footage of smaller countries celebrating. You know future icons, people that will probably be printed on their money or, like you know, be big in commercials that you know, all of a sudden, some gold medalist in Luxembourg is now pitching like fast food, you know what I mean? Like that's just crazy to me.
Speaker 2:Uh, we could talk about the break dancing. Look, I enjoyed it. I'll just flat out say it I enjoyed the breakdancing. I love the playlist. Some people say it was whitewashed down or watered down, so to speak. Obviously, the girl from Australia, ray Gunn, you know kind of you know kind of lowered the credibility of some of some of the competition. But man, let me just tell you, as a kid who grew up on hip hop music, it was so dope to like sit there and watch something that is so pure and came from nothing like hip hop and be put on a global stage. It was, it was honestly moving for me personally and, um, it was just cool.
Speaker 2:I mean, there was this, what there was? This Ukrainian girl named Nika with a do-rag on little white girl with a do-rag on just killing it. You so much energy, and that was another thing. That was a funny part because you know they had, since it was the first time they did break dancing in the Olympics, breaking in the Olympics. They had to include like the OGs, and OGs were great, super technical, super great, but man, you could see that age and windmills was like not them, windmills was at half speed. That little Ukrainian girl came out there and she was basically moonwalking in the air and shit. So much energy.
Speaker 2:I wanted to join a gym after that shit. Well, join another gym like one like Stretch Lab or something. You know where they where you got to make an appointment, you come in. They stretch you out. I need to start doing that. I've been doing more leisurely shit.
Speaker 2:I got walking shoes now, not running shoes. Walking, yeah, walking. Nope, there will be no jog. Hey, hey, jay, can you catch up? Hey, man, we're at the corner. You gotta be there in two minutes. Can you sprint? No, dude, your shoes aren't made for that.
Speaker 2:Bro, I'm out here walking, I'm walking here. You know what I mean? That's what I'm doing walking shoes. You know If you see me? Also, I bought a pair of Crocscs. Okay, I'm on margaritaville.
Speaker 2:Ships decided they had the jimmy buffett margaritaville crocs. Look, if you're going to buy a pair of crocs, go big or go home. I'm not gonna buy the standard black crocs. You know, with, like, the default outfit, like in like when you create a character in a video game, I'm not getting the defaults, I'm getting the. You know we going big or going home, jimmy Buffett, margaritaville, that's, that's his man. If you're going to, if you're getting Crocs, those are the Crocs you get. Nothing says leisure like these. I'm literally wearing them. Right now I'm in an LL Bean bath robe navy blue, and a do-rag holding a brandy glass. Right now I don't have brandy, so I'm just having a little bit of rum. That's fine.
Speaker 2:Okay, this is my podcast. I haven't talked to y'all in a year and a half or not a year and a half, but a year and some change. And boy it's been a lot of change. Um, yeah, that's the name of the episode year and some change. That, yep, okay, that's what we're doing. Um, that's clever idiot. Um, so just happy to see, you know, I'm just happy to see the Olympics and, uh, been checking out some new shows, been rediscovering what I like again, you know. Sometimes, you know, I might just cuddle up in bed and watch some old cartoons and and just kick back. Just kick back, and I'm really excited to get back on stage and get back on the road. You know, I'm grateful, I'm very grateful to do these shows out at sea, but I'm definitely missing some land shows and you know, um, it's, it's, it's fun.
Speaker 2:I have this free time now, now that I'm retired from the service, which I'm very grateful for. Um, I have just time to kind of reconnect with myself. I gave, if I'm being honest, I gave this country 20 years and two divorces, and you know, I say that I can, I can chuckle at that, but I realized how much I've given, and I don't say it to be like, oh, thank me for no, no, no, no, we're not doing that, but I'm just realizing. Like you know, there's moments where you realize, damn, I did sacrifice certain things. And you know, and I'm grateful, I'm grateful that I wanted to do for the record, I wanted to do so much more in the Air Force and unfortunately I wasn't able to.
Speaker 2:And I, that decision was really just based on betting on myself. I felt that I was entering my prime as a comedian, or ready to enter my prime, and so I had to really bet on myself and, um, it's not an easy thing to do. You know, I was walking away from a lot of stability, job security, camaraderie, just you know, even little perks and benefits and but I figured, I figured it was the. That's a hard decision to make. It really is a hard decision to make. That's a hard decision to make as it really is a hard decision to make and you gotta be mindful of of like, ready to like.
Speaker 2:I still haven't really fully transferred to being a civilian. You know what I mean. Like I'm I still. Every now and then I find myself standing at parade, rest, or standing at attention, or you know, when I hear the national anthem, I, you know like my ears perk up and I'm like start, I'll be walking around the house or walking through a hotel and I'll start doing facing movements. Like what the hell is wrong with you, bro, like what? Like, bro, it's. You're not that person anymore anymore, you know, and um, but it's, it's, uh, it's, it's like now I get to chance to kind of live for me and listen to that voice of, listen to that voice of. Damn, I'm here, I'm present and I'm only in tune with myself.
Speaker 2:You know, I'm grateful for the structure. I never expected to join the military. I had other options and I had other aspirations and I remember I was going to junior college because I was bummed that college didn't work out for me at the time. And I came back to my mother's house and I saw a recruitment letter from the Air Force and I wanted to go to Marines first but my knees were too busted from track and field and football and the recruiter was like you know, air Force is on the other side of the street and so I went, popped in and the rest is history, you know, and um, it's been a wild 20 years and an honor to serve and I've seen some great places, but it's crazy, I'm seeing more places now due to comedy. So I'm, I'm just so blessed, I'm so grateful for the, the, the, the sergeants, the NCOs, the officers that really supported me in this process and being like hey coming in. So, to all of my military folks that are listening, I appreciate you.
Speaker 2:If you showed up, if you bought one ticket, it means a lot. It means a lot because you got me to where I'm at, and for the people that that that buy tickets, I appreciate here's. I'll say this for the people that buy tickets first Without asking to be on the guest list, y'all are the real heroes. You know, unfortunately I, you know, in this, in this business, there's not a lot of guest lists, so sorry in advance. So you know, if you want to support me, you know, don't ask to be on the guest list, pay with. You know I'm worth change. I'm worth ticket money. I'm worth getting a babysitter. I'm worth a two drink minimum. I'm worth a parking fee.
Speaker 2:You know, I got some good jokes, hot jokes, new adventures. Got a lot of new shit. Okay, started horseback riding again. Bought Crocs Wearing new balances to the gym.
Speaker 2:I used a bidet on full blast. I'm living life y'all. Okay, used it. Yeah, I'm going to say that again. Used a bidet on full black Game changer Game changer Okay, it takes a lot of courage. You know some people ain't ready for that. Some people can only do a quarter turn, no full like. Don't even hesitate.
Speaker 2:You could judge me if you want. You may have questions, but this is a judgment-free zone. This is a judgment-free podcast. I'm glad you made it and I'm glad I made it. I think this is time where I bid you all adieu. I just wanted to give you all a quick little 30-minute check-in.
Speaker 2:Went a little bit over time, but I got a fantasy draft starting soon and you know it's about that time to get busy. So let's see if this is my third fantasy draft. Yeah, don't mind me, I have hobbies. You should too. No judgment over here. Ok. Getting into pickleball for no reason, ok, you know. Getting into lacrosse, honestly, like, I want me a lacrosse jersey. I want to go to like a lacrosse jersey. I want to go to like a lacrosse game. I want to check out a Boston Cannons game. I want to check out the California Redwoods. I'm into it. I'm into it. Was it the Utah Outlaws? Yes, getting more into soccer, I'm in my soccer jersey era. You know, I know what salt life is. Okay, I know what salt life is. I'm doing salt life is. Okay, I know what salt life is. I'm doing salt life. Anyways, y'all take care. Thank you so much for listening. I'm glad you made it and I'm glad to be here. I'm glad to be back. Y'all take care.